self-publish printed books

28 Nov

After much discussion, we have decided not to self-publish printed books anymore. In 2011 we put out an out-of-print book by a deceased author and the Second Edition of Self Publishing in Canada. Even though we have a distributor and even though we have marketed the book, sales are not as good as we had expected. The question became, “Do keep doing this as a hobby or find another way to self-publish?” The truth is we can’t afford this as a hobby, so we need to find another way.

We are committing ourselves to publishing e-books. The sales of e-readers was phenomenal at Christmas and we see it as a less expensive way to get our message out without either having to put up the funds to pay for printing costs or find a place to store books. I am currently formatting Self Publishing in Canada and All On Her Own to a Kindle format. Then I have to completely type up Good Morning Quadra since nothing will read that kind of disk anymore.

Does this mean the print book is dead? Not at all. It’s just not the right fit for us at this time.  Check in regularly and learn about the new adventure…and how to self-publish the old fashioned way.

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